INGLÉS 6º A y 6º B

Queridas familias/ Dear families:

Iré publicando en esta página las tareas y las correcciones de inglés para facilitar el trabajo. Muchas gracias por vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación.

Wednesday 11th  March.
1st session:
Correct SB, page 45, exercise 3.

1. Find past simple regular and irregular verbs in the report.
Past simple regular: worked, painted, stopped.
Past simple irregular: went, made, was, had, took.

2. Say what each paragraph is about. (Aquí os doy una respuesta larga y otra corta; ambas serían correctas).
  • The first paragraph tells us Jasmine went to the April Art Festival. She made origami figures. (Long answer). / The first paragraph tells us about the April Art Festival. (Shorter answer).
  • The second paragraph tells us Jasmine worked with a group painting a mural about space and had lunch. (Long answer). / The second paragraph tells us about Jasmine making a mural about space in group. (Shorter answer).
  • The third paragraph tells us everybody made hats after lunch and there was a hat party. Jasmine took photos of everybody. (Longer answer) / The third paragraph tells us about a hat party. (Shorter answer).
3. Which two sentences are opinions.
  • In the first paragraph, at the end: “It was difficult, but it was fun”.
  • In the third paragraph, at the end: “The festival was fantastic”.

2nd session:
Correct AB 36, exercise 2.

1. On Saturday, Raquel always does the shopping with her dad.
2. I never walk the dog in the morning, but I always make my bed.
3. I’m not good at sport, but I usually do my best in P.E.
4. Sam loves cooking. He makes a cake every weekend.
5. ‘Where do yo do your homework?’ ‘In my bedroom’.
6. Maya always does karate on Tuesday.

Activity book, page 36, exercise 3. Writing a report and give your opinion.

1. Imagine you went to a festival last weekend. What type of festival was it? A food festival? A music festival? It was a (food festival) / (music festival)... (Al estar hablando del último fin de semana, la oración tiene que ser formada con el verbo en pasado simple).

2. Did you meet friends? A cousin? Yes, I did. I met my cousin. / No, I didn’t. I met (my classmates) / (my friends) / (my brother/sister). (Esta pregunta se puede contestar en afirmativo o en negativo, depende de lo que queráis decir).

3. Did you see fireworks? A parade? A band? Yes, I did. I saw (a parade) / (a band) / (fireworks). (Si vas a un festival, lo más común es que haya alguno de estos eventos. Elige el que más te guste).

4. What did you wear? A cap? Sunglasses? A coat? I wore(a cap) /(sunglasses)/(a coat)/(a jacket)…

5. What did you have for lunch? Soup? Pizza? I had (soup) /(pizza) /(a sandwich) … for lunch.

6. Did you buy a T-shirt? A poster? I bought (a poster) / (a T-shirt). 

Friday, 13th of March.

- Student’s book, page 46. Exercise 1. Read “Weekend activities in Jamaica”.
- Student’s book, page 46. Exercise 2. Find two true sentences and correct the false sentences on your notebook.

Monday, 16th of March.

Corrección tarea SB 46, ex. 2.
1. False. The male hummingbirds have got two tails.
2. True.
3. False. She went to the reggae festival with her parents.
4. True.
5. False. Ackee is a red fruit with black seeds.
6. False. She had to her homework on Sunday afternoon.

- Repasar el cuadro de gramática de la formación de la interrogativa en pasado simple, booklet page 9. 
- Homework: booklet page 9, exercise 1 and 2.

Wednesday, 18th of March.
1st session.

- Correct booklet page 9, exercise 1.

1. Did Rory and Kai meet at the funfair? Yes, they did.
2. Did Kai and Rory wear sunglasses? No, they didn’t.
3. Did Rory and Kai have fun? Yes, they did.
4. Did Rory and Kai drink cold water? No, they didn’t.
5. Did Sarah go to an art gallery? No, she didn’t.
6. Did Sarah meet the football players? Yes, she did.
7. Did Sarah’s dad make a video? No, he didn’t.

- Correct booklet page 9, exercise 2.

1. Did Richard and Lily go to the cinema? Yes, they did.
2. Did Richard buy popcorn? No, he didn’t.
3. Did Richard see a musical? Yes, he did.
4. Did Lily sing songs? No, she didn’t.
5. Did Richard and Lily drink juice? No, they didn’t.

2nd session.
- Student’s book (SB), page 47, exercise 3. (On your notebook).
Este ejercicio consiste en completar las oraciones con un verbo y “before” (antes), “after” (después) o “ago” (hace), teniendo en cuenta que ahora son los 9 de la noche. Mira bien la tabla para poder completar el ejercicio. Por ejemplo, en la oración number 2, "She... the dog .... dinner" . En el primer hueco tienes que poner un verbo en pasado y en la segunda, mirando muy detenidamente el horario, usar "before", "after" o "ago".

Friday, 20th March.

Good morning!

Today, we have to correct SB47, ex. 3:
1. It’s nine o’clock now. Nina had lunch eight hours ago.
2. She walked the dog before dinner.
3. She met her friends after lunch.
4. She watched TV four hours before dinner.
5. She played the guitar after dinner.

6. She bought some new shoes before lunch.

The homework for today is booklet, page 28, exercise 1. Os adjunto algún vocabulario que tal vez no conozcáis de este reading: equipment (equipamiento), signal (señal), tent (tienda de campaña), singer (cantante), stage (escenario), at the front (delante).

Have a nice and peaceful weekend!

Monday, 23rd March.
We are starting a new week! We are finishing unit 4! Not only do and correct the exercises, study the vocabulary and the past structures. (¡Estamos empezando una semana nueva!. ¡Estamos terminando la unidad 4! No solo corrigais los ejercicios, estudiar el vocabulario y las estructuras de pasado).
Today we have to correct booklet, page 28, exercise 1:
1. The day started badly. The weather was cold and windy.
2. The first band cancelled because their equipment didn’t work.
3. Dustin Piper thought she looked terrible.
4. She played some songs for Dustin.
5. Dustin gave her his guitar because his guitarrist didn’t come this morning.
6. She and her friends got lots of free things.
7. She wore the jacket every day.
8. It was the best day of her life.

Wednesday, 25th March.

Hoy tenemos que ir al booklet page 29. Writing a report. Tiene que tener al menos 50 palabras.

Este writing me lo tenéis que envíar para corregirlo individualmente. Tomaros vuestro tiempo para hacerlo. Usad verbos en pasado simple (regulares, los que terminan en -ed, o irregulares) ya que estais contando algo que ya os ha sucedido, algo que ya os ha ocurrido. Cuando lo hayais terminado, repasadlo y comprobad que tiene sentido. Podéis coged ideas de los textos que aparecen en nuestros libros. 
Separad en párrafos. Usad los conectores “First...”, “Then…”, “Finally...”. Al final, dad vuestra opinión, podéis usar alguna de estas frases: It was the best/worst day of my life./ I had fun. / It wasn’t so fun. / It was fantastic. / It was a horrible day. / It was a great experience. / I can’t wait to go again.

Friday, 27th March, 2020.
Copy and do the next exercises in your notebook.
1. Read and complete. Study the verbs.
Irregular verbs
Base form
Past simple
Base form
Past simple














2. Read, copy and complete with the past simple.
Meet         have          feel              take                  not make                 go               drink
Ygris, the green dragon”
Hi, I’m Alan. Last Saturday, I _______________ (1) my friends and we __________ (2) to an amazing medieval fantasy musical. The play was set in a magical land, where an ancient green dragon called Ygris had the power to give and grow life, so all humans loved him. But one day, Ygris started to feel weak, so the dancers __________ (3) a healing potion for him. When the dragon _________ (4) it, he ________ (5) strong again!
We _______ (6) some photos of the dragon, but we ______ (7) a video because we wanted to enjoy the show live. It was a beatiful story and we really ______ (8) an amazing time.

Monday, 30th of March, 2020.

First, we are going to correct the exercises from last Friday:
be (base form) - was/were (past simple)            
have (base form) - had (past simple)                  
see (base form) - saw (past simple)                    
sing (base form) - sang (past simple)                 
meet (base form) - met (past simple)                 
feel (base form) - felt (past simple)                  
drink (base form) - drank (past simple)            

take (base form) - took (past simple)
wear (base form) - wore (past simple)
make (base form) - made (past simple)
buy (base form) - bought (past simple)
go (base form) - went (past simple)
 think (base form) - thought (past simple)
tell (base form) - told (past simple)

2. Read, copy and complete with the past simple.
Meet         have          feel              take                  not make                 go               drink
Ygris, the green dragon”
Hi, I’m Alan. Last Saturday, I met (1) my friends and we went (2) to an amazing medieval fantasy musical. The play was set in a magical land, where an ancient green dragon called Ygris had the power to give and grow life, so all humans loved him. But one day, Ygris started to feel weak, so the dancers made (3) a healing potion for him. When the dragon drank (4) it, he  felt (5) strong again!
We took (6) some photos of the dragon, but we didn't make (7) a video because we wanted to enjoy the show live. It was a beatiful story and we really had (8) an amazing time.

Donde pone “Access code”, escribir el código que os aparece en el activity book. Está en la cara de detrás de la portada.
Rellenar los datos. Donde pone “Choose a username”, elegid un nombre de usuario. Puede que no lo consigais a la primera, probad con diferentes nombres hasta que lo consigais.
Donde pone “Choose a Password”, elegid vuestra contraseña. Anotad estos datos y guardarlos, los vamos a necesitar para sesiones posteriores.
Tenéis que marcar la casilla donde pone “Acepto las condiciones de uso”.
Finalmente, pulsad la casilla “Send”. (Significa “envíar”).

After that:
    Vamos a empezar “Didactic Unit 5. Ancient Rome”.

    • Tarea: go to page 48 (student’s book) and read the introduction: Hi! In this unit we learn to use different questions to ask about the past and to ask for and give directions. We also learn about ancient Romans structures and artefacts. We can still see lots of them today. I’ve got something the Romans used in my pocket. Can you guess what it is?
    • Después, tenéis en la página 88, student’s book, un picture dictionary que os ayudará a entender el significado de cada palabra.
      • Amphitheatre.
      • Aqueduct.
      • Brooch.
      • Chariot.
      • Coin.
      • Mosaic.
      • Sandals.
      • Statue.
      • Toga.
      • Wall.
      • Ir después al activity book, page 63, estudia cómo se pronuncian y escriben esas palabras. Vuélvelas a escribir ahí (AB63).
  • Finally, do the frontcover of unit 5 in your notebook. Do it in a new sheet of paper. (Haz la portada de la unidad 5 en tu cuaderno. Como siempre, hazlo en hoja nueva). No es necesario que me mandes foto de estas actividades, ya que son muy sencillas.
Wednesday, 1st of April, 2020.
  • Hoy vamos a empezar deletreando el vocabulario de la unidad. Para ello primero repasa el abecedario en inglés. Ve al siguiente enlace: The Alphabet Chant + More | ABC Songs | Super Simple Songs
  • Ahora, deletrea las palabras del vocabulario de esta unidad en inglés: amphitheatre, aqueduct, brooch, chariot, coin, mosaic, sandals, statue, toga, wall.
  • Algunos/as necesitareis varios días de práctica para poder deletrear con fluidez. Practicar en las vacaciones; la mejor manera es escuchar el abecedario todos los días hasta que lo afiancéis.
  • De manera voluntaria, si tenéis materiales en casa, podéis hacer alguna de estas bonitas manualidades en las vacaciones; mirad el siguiente enlace: 7 Easy Easter Crafts for Kids - Easter Craft Ideas

¡Os deseo felices vacaciones a tod@s y quiero felicitaros tanto a niños y niñas como a  padres y madres por vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación!

Wednesday, 15th April,  and Friday 17th of April 2020.

Hi again! How were the Easter holidays? I hope you are happy and safe with your dearest  at home!

  • Today we are going to listen to these recordings. Para acceder a los audios copia y pega el siguiente enlace:
  • El primer audio es el ejercicio 1 (SB, page 48), escúchalo por lo menos 4 veces y repite el vocabulario.
  • El segundo audio es el ejercicio 1 (SB, page 49), escúchalo por lo menos 3 veces y busca en el diccionario las palabras que no entiendas. Anota dichas palabras en tu notebook. No olvides escribir la fecha.
  • Después, busca todos los verbos en pasado, y divídelos en dos grupos: regulares (acaban en      -ed) e irregulares (su forma de pasado es totalmente irregular).
  • Finalmente, haz el ejercicio 2 (SB page 49).
  • On Friday 17th, you will see the corrections. 
Corrections: (Friday, April 17th)

SB49, exercises 1 and 2.

Regular verbs: watched, looked, used.
Irregular verbs: had, were, went, read, made, wore, built, took, wrote, was.

Answer the questions.

1. Who did Daisy watch a documentary with?
Daisy watched a documentary with Megan.

2. Where did Daisy go on Saturday?
Daisy went to the Museum of London.

3. Where did she read about Roman coins?
She read about Roman coins at the school library.

4. What did Roman children wear?
Children wore tunics.

5. When did the Romans build a bridge over the River Thames?
The Romans built the first bridge over the River Thames 2,000 years ago.

6. What did Daisy see at the museum?
Daisy saw coins, statues and mosaics.
Monday, 20th of April.

  • Firstly, we are going to review the interrogative pronouns (who, what, when, where, how and why). Watch this video:

  • Then, watch this video about the simple past formation: PAST SIMPLE - APRENDE INGLÉS CON MR PEA ENGLISH FOR KIDS

  • Now, let’s practice with the exercises from the activity book. Go to page 39 (activity book) and do exercises 1 and 2. (You will need the reading from the student’s book, page 49).

  • To review the vocabulary, do the exercise 2, from the activity book page 38.

  • MUY IMPORTANTE: el miércoles 22 de abril tendremos clase on-line a las 9:30 horas, con 6º A (clase de Abraham). A las 10:30, con 6º B (clase de María). Estos son los datos para que podáis ingresar a las reuniones. Preparad todas las dudas que tengáis para que os las pueda resolver. Muchas gracias.

REUNIÓN 6º A (tutoría Abraham). Miércoles 22 de abril a las 9:30 horas. Datos para ingresar en la reunión:

MERCEDES PÉREZ le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.

Tema: Reunión Zoom de MERCEDES PÉREZ (inglés: el pasado simple) 6ºA (Abraham)
Hora: 22 abr 2020 09:30 AM París

Unirse a la reunión Zoom

ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

REUNIÓN 6º B (tutoría María). Miércoles 22 de abril a las 10:30 horas. Datos para ingresar en la reunión:

MERCEDES PÉREZ le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.

Tema: Inglés (6º primaria)
Hora: 22 abr 2020 10:30 AM Madrid

Unirse a la reunión Zoom

ID de reunión: 795 6975 0609
Contraseña: 3xcw1b

Wednesday, 22nd April
  • Reunión Zoom (datos para acceder, en el día del lunes).
    • 9:30 hs: 6ºA (tutoría Abraham).
    • 10:30 hs: 6ºB (tutoría María).
  • Practice reading, go to the booklet, page 32, and do exercise 1.

Friday, 24th April: corrections:
revisad las correcciones en el blog; dentro del blog ir a la página INGLÉS 6ºA+6ºB.

  • Corrections of Monday 20th April:
AB, page 39, exercise 1:
1. Where did Daisy take photos? At the museum.
2. What did the Roman emperor wear? A purple toga.
3. When did Daisy write her project? On Sunday.
4. Who did Daisy watch a documentary with? Her friend.
5. What did the Romans build in London? A bridge.
6. When did Daisy use the Internet? On Friday.

AB, page 39, exercise 2: 
1. Where did Sadie go? She went to the museum.
2. What did Sadie see? She saw statues.
3. What did she wear? She wore sandals, jeans and a T-shirt.
4. What did Ricky wear? He wore jeans, a jacket and a hat.
5. Where did he go? He went to the amphitheatre.
6. What did he do? He took (some) photos.

  • Corrections of Wednesday, 22nd April. Booklet, page 32, exercise 1: 1. False. 2. False. 3. False. 4. True. 5. False. 6. False. 7. False. 8. True.
Monday, 27th April, 2020.

Good morning! Firstly, os mando las correcciones de la semana pasada, ya que algunos/as me estáis comentando que no podéis acceder al blog ( – y dentro del blog, la página INGLÉS 6º A + 6º B)

Corrections of Monday 20th April:
AB, page 39, exercise 1:
1. Where did Daisy take photos? At the museum.
2. What did the Roman emperor wear? A purple toga.
3. When did Daisy write her project? On Sunday.
4. Who did Daisy watch a documentary with? Her friend.
5. What did the Romans build in London? A bridge.
6. When did Daisy use the Internet? On Friday.

AB, page 39, exercise 2:
1. Where did Sadie go? She went to the museum.
2. What did Sadie see? She saw statues.
3. What did she wear? She wore sandals, jeans and a T-shirt.
4. What did Ricky wear? He wore jeans, a jacket and a hat.
5. Where did he go? He went to the amphitheatre.
6. What did he do? He took (some) photos.

    Corrections of Wednesday, 22nd April.
Booklet, page 32, ex.1: 1. False. 2. False. 3. False. 4. True. 5. False. 6. False. 7. False. 8. True.

Secondly, we are goint to continue working on listening.
  • Go to page 50 (SB), ex. 3. Listen to the recording and do the exercise 3. (At least three times = al menos 3 veces). Sigue el siguiente enlace para poder escuchar el audio:

Finally, go to your notebook. Write the date. Copy these extra questions about the listening and answer them. Listen to the recording as many times as you need (escucha el audio tantas veces como necesites).
    Exercise 1. Listen to the recording at page 50 (SB), exercise 3 and copy and answer these extra questions.
  1. What did Romans eat with spoons?
  2. What were spoons made of?
  3. What was the most important meal of the day?
  4. Where did rich people like to have dinner with friends?
  5. What unusual animals did rich Romans eat?

  • To end up, ver este vídeo sobre algunos de los escenarios en los que se ha rodado la serie “Games of Thrones”. Write down on your notebook, what places were built by the Romans. (Apunta en tu cuaderno, que lugares fueron construidos por los romanos). Hablaremos de esto en la videoclase el miércoles.

If you want to see some places where “Games of Thrones” was filmed, watch this video: REAL LOCATIONS - GAME OF THRONES IN SPAIN

On Wednesday 29th , we will have videoclass:
09:30 AM: 6º A (Abraham’s students)
MERCEDES PÉREZ le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.
Unirse a la reunión Zoom
ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

10:30 AM: 6º B (Maria’s students)
MERCEDES PÉREZ le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.
Unirse a la reunión Zoom
IDdereunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

Wednesday, 29th April 2020.
We will have videoclass:
09:30 AM: 6º A (Abraham’s students)
10:30 AM: 6º B (Maria’s students)
Los datos para acceder a las reuniones están en el día del lunes.
First of all, continuaremos repasando la formación de preguntas en pasado simple. Haremos el siguiente ejercicio. Booklet, page 33. Imagine you have a time machine and you decide to go to one of the places above. Complete a questionnaire about your trip. Write five questions and answer them.

  • Answers from Monday, 27th April:
SB, 50, ex. 3: 1 – b. 2 – b. 3 – c. 4 – a. 5 – a.
Exercise 1. Listen to the recording at page 50 (SB), exercise 3 and copy and answer these extra questions.

1. What did Romans eat with spoons? Romans ate soup with spoons.
2. What were spoons made of? Spoons were made of wood or metal.
3. What was the most important meal of the day? The dinner.
4. Where did rich people like to have dinner with friends? They liked lying on couches to eat / Romans liked lying on couches to have dinner.

5. What unusual animals did rich Romans eat? They / Romans ate ostrich, dolphin and parrot.

Monday, 4th of May.

  • Good morning! We are going to start watching this video about the past simple of the verb “to be”. Escuchad y repetid todo lo que se indica en el video. Os paso el link: COMO USAR WAS Y WERE EN INGLES 👉 VERBO SER O ESTAR EN PASADO ⭐️ VERB TO BE IN PAST

  • Basándote en el video que acabas de ver, haz el siguiente ejercicio en tu cuaderno (no olvides escribir la fecha, Monday, 4th of May).

  • Exercise 1. Complete with the correct form of the verb “to be”, in present simple or in past simple:

    1. Yesterday I _______ upset but today I _____ excited.
    2. Last week you ______ sick but today you _______ healthy.
    3. Last year he _____ weak but now he _____ strong.
    4. An hour ago she _______ hungry but now she _____ full.
    5. We ______ young but now we ______ old.

  • Exercise 2. Transform these affirmative senteces in interrogative sentences.

    1. Example: I was excited: was I excited?
    2. Example: Lucy and her dog were tired: were Lucy and her dog tired?
Como podéis observar para formar la interrogativa con el verbo to be seguimos la siguiente estructura: VERB TO BE + SUBJECT + COMPLEMENT?
    1. I was sick.
    2. You were young.
    3. He was handsome.
    4. She was pretty.
    5. My dog was wet.
    6. Peter and Mary were married.
    7. They were healthy.

  • A continuación tenéis lo datos para uniros a la clase on-line del miércoles 6 de mayo.

MERCEDES PÉREZ le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.

Tema: English 6ºA (Abraham's students)
Hora: 6 may 2020 09:30 AM París

Unirse a la reunión Zoom

ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

MERCEDES PÉREZ le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.

Tema: English 6ºB (Maria’s students)
Hora: 6 may 2020 10:30 AM París

Unirse a la reunión Zoom

ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

Wednesday, 6th May, 2020.

  • Reunión zoom programada. Datos de acceso:
    • 6ºA, 9:30
    • 6ºB, 10:30

ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

Homework: reading comprehension. Student’s book, page 53, A day in ancient Rome. Exercises 2 and 3 (in your notebook). Aquí tenéis el enlace para acceder al audio:

Corrections from Monday, 4th of May:
  • Exercise 1. Complete with the correct form of the verb “to be”, in present simple or in past simple:
    1. Yesterday I was upset but today I am excited.
    2. Last week you were sick but today you are healthy.
    3. Last year he was weak but now he is strong.
    4. An hour ago she was hungry but now she is full.
    5. We were young but now we are old.
  • Exercise 2. Transform these affirmative senteces in interrogative sentences.
    1. Example: I was excited: was I excited?
    2. Example: Lucy and her dog were tired: were Lucy and her dog tired?
Como podéis observar para formar la interrogativa con el verbo to be seguimos la siguiente estructura: VERB TO BE + SUBJECT + COMPLEMENT?
    1. I was sick. Was I sick?
    2. You were young. Were you young?
    3. He was handsome. Was he handsome?
    4. She was pretty. Was she pretty?
    5. My dog was wet. Was my dog wet?
    6. Peter and Mary were married. Were Peter and Mary married?
    7. They were healthy. Were they healthy?

Friday, 8th of May.

  • Homework: activity book, page 42, exercises 1 and 2.
  • Corrections from Wednesday, 6th of May:
SB, page 53, ex. 3. Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. When did Leo go to Rome? 
Leo went to Rome last Easter.

2. How did Mum feel about the holidays?
Mum felt excited.

3. Why was Leo sad?
Leo was sad because, first, he wanted to go camping with his friend Eliot and his dad, second, he had to do extra homework and third, it was a “screen-free” holiday.

4. What did Leo have to find out about his homework?
Leo had to find out about the life of people in ancient Rome.

5. What did Leo’s character wear?
Leo / He had to wear a tunic and sandals.

6. What was wrong with the people’s clothes at the market?
(OPTION 1) People/Romans didn’t wear togas to go to the market and the soldiers’ uniforms were wrong.
(OPTION 2) People/Romans didn’t wear togas at markets and the soldiers’ uniforms were wrong.

Tuesday, 12th of May, 2020.
Good morning!
Hoy solo quieros recordaros que mañana miércoles 13 de mayo tenemos reunión por zoom en los horarios habituales. Reunión zoom programada. Datos de acceso:
  • 6ºA, 9:30
  • 6ºB, 10:30
Unirse a la reunión Zoom:
ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

  • On Wednesday 13th of May, we will play BINGO ON-LINE to celebrate Nuevo Baztan holiday. Os adjunto un PDF con los cartones. Cada alumno/a tendrá el número de cartón que se corresponde con su número en la lista. Copiaros el cartón en una hoja, tal como aparece en el PDF y tenerlo preparado para el miércoles.
Wednesday, 13th of May, 2020.
  • Good morning everyone! Reunión zoom programada. Datos de acceso:
  • 6ºA, 9:30
  • 6ºB, 10:30
Unirse a la reunión Zoom:
ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT
  • Corrections from Friday, 8th of May: activity book, page 42, exercises 1 and 2.
AB42, EX.1:
From left to right, and from top to bottom (esto quiere decir que voy a escribir las palabras de la siguiente manera, de izquierda a derecha, y de arriba a abajo).
Tunic – market - corner – soldier
actor – fountain – temple

AB42, EX.2: this exercise was especially challenging, there were lots of mistakes. This is the correction:
A man asked Leo to be a cameraman . 4 – A man asked Leo to be an actor for a day.
The company sent Leo a Roman coin. 6 – The film company sent Leo a copy of the programme.
Leo asked for directions. 3 – Mum asked a man for directions.
Mum learned a lot about acting. 5 – Leo learned / learnt a lot about acting and History.
Mum thought Leo was a brilliant actor. 8 – Leo’s classmates thought he was a brilliant actor.
The History teacher needed to go to Rome. 1 – The History teacher said Leo had to do extra homework.
Mum wanted Leo to see the Colosseum first. 2 – Mum wanted Leo to do his homework first.
Leo indentified some mistakes in the TV programme. 7 – The teacher identified lots of mistakes in the TV programme.

Friday, 15th of May, 2020.
Good morning everyone! Como ya queda poco para finalizar el curso, vamos a repasar todo lo que hemos visto este año escolar.

1. Study the alphabet. Practice spelling your name, surname, the numbers, the days of the week, the months and the seasons. (Oral practice, you don’t have to write anything here. Here you have a link to study it: The Alphabet Chant Super Simple Songs). We will practice spelling in the next zoom session.

2. Expressing obligation with “have to” (this is from unit 1) Rules in the classroom. Write four sentences expressing obligation. Example: We have to listen to our teachers.

Monday, 18th of May, 2020.

Happy Monday everyone!

Espero que hayais celebrado san Isidro y lo hayais pasado muy bien.

  • El pasado viernes os mandé estudiar el alfabeto ( The Alphabet Chant Super Simple Songs ). Seguid practicando deletrear vuestro nombre, apellidos, los días de la semana (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) y los meses del año (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December).

  • Do this exercise on your notebook: Imagine you have to wear a uniform to go to school. Draw it and colour it. You will need this exercise for the zoom session on Wednesday.(On Wednesday, you will show your uniforms and describe it). Study the vocabulary with these songs: Clothing Chant for Kids - My Clothes With Sentences - ELF Kids Videos My Clothes With Sentences: Part 2 - Clothing Song for Kids - Clothes Vocabulary

  • Aprovecho hoy para recordaros los datos de la reunión zoom del miércoles 20 de mayo:
6ºA, 9:30 6ºB, 10:30
ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

Corrections from Friday, 15th of May:

2. Expressing obligation with “have to” (this is from unit 1) Rules in the classroom. Write four sentences expressing obligation. Example: We have to listen to our teachers.
Otras posibles respuestas serían:
  • We have to work hard.
  • We have to arrive at school at 9 o’clock.
  • We have to be kind to others.
  • We have to tidy our desks and the classroom.
  • We have to clean our tables.
  • We don’t have to be quiet in the playground.
  • We don’t have to wear uniforms.
  • We have to wear a tracksuit in P.E. (Physical Education).
Wednesday, 20th of May, 2020.

  • Good morning everyone! Reunión zoom programada. Datos de acceso:

6ºA, 9:30.

6ºB, 10:30.

Unirse a la reunión Zoom:
ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT
  • Os recuerdo que teniais que traer a clase este ejercicio que mandé el lunes (Do this exercise on your notebook: Imagine you have to wear a uniform to go to school. Draw it and colour it. You will need this exercise for the zoom session on Wednesday. (On Wednesday, you will show your uniforms and describe it). 

Friday, 22nd of May, 2020.

  • Vamos a seguir repasando. Today we are going to talk about the time. Watch this video:

  • Now, do this exercise on your notebook. What time is it? Say the time in all the ways you know.
    1. 9:15. Example: it’s nine, fifteen. / It’s quarter past nine. / It’s quarter after nine.
    2. 10:20.
    3. 11:30.
    4. 12:00.
    5. 13:40.
    6. 15:50.
Monday, 25th of May, 2020.

  • Today, we are going to start reviewing “there is”, “there isn’t”, “there are”, “there aren’t”. Para ello quiero que veáis el siguiente vídeo:


  • After that, do this exercise on your notebook. Translate these sentences into English.
  1. Hay una mesa en la cocina.
  2. ¿Hay un ratón en el salón?
  3. Hay cuadros en el sótano.
  4. ¿Hay armarios en el dormitorio?
  5. ¿Hay tres sillas en el comedor?

Correction from Friday, 22nd of May:

  • Now, do this exercise on your notebook. What time is it? Say the time in all the ways you know.
    1. 9:15. Example: it’s nine, fifteen. / It’s quarter past nine. / It’s quarter after nine.
    2. 10:20: it’s twenty past ten. / It’s twenty after ten. / It’s ten, twenty.
    3. 11:30: it’s half past eleven. / It’s eleven, thirty.
    4. 12:00: it’s twelve o’clock. / It’s noon. / It’s midday.
    5. 13:40: it’s one, forty. / It’s twenty to two.
    6. 15:50: it’s three, fifty. / It’s ten to four.

  • Finally, I remind you the data for the zoom class on Wednesday, 27th of May, 2020.
Reunión zoom programada. Datos de acceso:
6ºA, 9:30.
6ºB, 10:30.

Unirse a la reunión Zoom:
ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

Wednesday, 27th of May, 2020.
  • Good morning everyone!
Reunión zoom programada. Datos de acceso:
  • 6ºA, 9:30.
  • 6ºB, 10:30.

Unirse a la reunión Zoom:
ID de reunión: 915 431 8947
Contraseña: 7fE0GT

  • Today we are going to correct this exercise from Monday, 25th of May: Translate these sentences into English.
    • Hay una mesa en la cocina: There is a table in the kitchen.
    • ¿Hay un ratón en el salón?: Is there a mouse in the living room?
    • Hay cuadros en el sótano: There are pictures in the basement.
    • ¿Hay armarios en el dormitorio?: Are there wardrobes in the bedroom?
    • ¿Hay tres sillas en el comedor?: Are there three chairs in the dining room?

  • Today we are going to review the countables and uncountables nouns. Watch these videos: 📚 SUSTANTIVOS CONTABLES E INCONTABLES EN INGLES 🤓 COUNT NOUNS AND NON-COUNT NOUNS 📚 LAS FRUTAS EN INGLES Y ESPAÑOL 🤓 PRONUNCIACION

  • After watching the video, do this exercise on your notebook. Classify the next nouns in countable and uncountable nouns: goat, bread, cherries, oatmeal, hill, frog, carrots, heart, flour and muffin.
    • Countable nouns:
    • Uncountable nouns:
Friday, 29th of May, 2020.
  • We are going to continue with food. Today we are reviewing the vegetables. 📚 VOCABULARIO VEGETALES CON PRONUNCIACION 🤓 LAS VERDURAS EN INGLES ESCRITURA Y PRONUNCIACION
  • Study the table:
Countable nouns
Uncountable nouns
There are some blueberries (affirmative)
There’s some sugar (affirmative)
There aren’t any blueberries (negative)
There isn’t any sugar (negative)
Are there any blueberries? (interrogative)
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. (Short answers)
Is there any sugar? (interrogative)
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. (Short answers)

  • Look at the fridge. Make 3 sentences using these structures: “There’s...”, “there isn’t any...”, “there are some...” and “there aren’t any...”. Example: There isn’t any cheese.

  • Correction from Wednesday, 27th of May.
After watching the video, do this exercise on your notebook. Classify the next nouns in countable and uncountable nouns: goat, bread, cherries, oatmeal, hill, frog, carrots, heart, flour and muffin.
  • Countable nouns: goat, cherries, hill, frog, carrots, heart and muffin.
  • Uncountable nouns: bread, oatmeal and flour.

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